Mainstream Media
Three critical things you need to know about Hillary Clinton’s health crisis and the media cover-up:
The mainstream media fails to provide accurate coverage when the United States launches air strikes that lead to civilian casualties.
Hillary vows to shut down the internet press if she is elected as president…
The president and the media continue to lie about the unemployment rate… the real numbers will shock you:
Learn how Wall Street uses corporate media to rob you blind:
“A primary trait that many mass shooters share is a desire for fame or notoriety. Often times, they suffer from depression, social isolation, but also narcissism. So they feel entitled to some kind of social standing that they don’t think they’re getting.”
10 minutes of CNN & MSNBC cutting guests mics to protect Hillary Clinton:
The DNC’s Censorship and Manipulation Exposed:
“We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.”
US Tyranny: Martial Law, Gun Confiscation and FEMA Camps Coming Soon…
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