The latest Trend Alert is released, Shell Oil profits plunged 83% this quarter when compared with a year earlier & China’s central bank continues to pump money into their failing economy.
The comic-book version of government portrays it as a benign institution innocently fostering the common good In practice, it creates a labyrinth of rent-seeking regulation that often benefits established firms and industries at the expense of upstarts. Tom and Connor Boyack discuss this phenomenon on the show today.
* Pension programs across America are under-funded by $3.4 trillion. * The strategy for pension programs is to cook the books and then, when they can no longer cover up the financial facts, claim to be “too big to fail” and demand a bailout. * Pensions all across America are going into default. How many […]
EU rejects Greece’s request for an emergency summit. Greece has the same problem since 2008. UK retail sales decline and are getting worse. H&R Block lets go employees because of weak tax year. Millennials are now making 20% less and have an enormous amount of debt. Pending homes tumble in the West, repeat of 2008. […]
9/11 has been a windfall for the Washington, D.C. area. Not only has government exploded, but all those with enormous salaries who do business with Washington as well. The richest counties in the country are adjacent to Washington. The peddlers of fear clean up while the rest of us pay the bill. How do they […]
The Government illusion of a recovery is falling apart, we will surpass the layoffs in retail during the great recession of 2008. Homes sales decline once again, prices are falling, the bubbles are popping.
* The collapse is getting close, and if we were really smart, we would have already give up the internet to focus on preparedness and survival. * We’re long past the point of being able to stop the coming financial collapse. * A massive, systemic debt collapse is coming and cannot be stopped. * We […]
* EVERYTHING is rigged: Politics, finance, medicine, the news, etc. * Society is rigged against you, to keep you enslaved, ignorant and dis-empowered. * You can be set free from the “theater for your mind” by becoming aware and awake of what’s really happening around you. * The entire financial system is rigged to keep […]
Pam Martens and Russ Martens via by way of ZeroHedge reports: Yesterday the Federal Reserve released a 19-page letter that it and the FDIC had issued to Jamie Dimon, the Chairman and CEO of JPMorgan Chase, on April 12 as a result of its failure to present a credible plan for winding itself down […]
8 Families Control The Money Supply & Thus Control The World. Know Their Names!
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