The flu vaccine killed Katherine McQuestion, a healthy 26 year old health care worker from Wisconsin…
Many vaccine ingredients are unsafe and cause dangerous (and even deadly) side-effects.
CDC Whistleblower Admits That Information Has Been Suppressed In Regards to Vaccines and Autism:
“Parents are in jail for harming kids who were actually injured by vaccines!”…
Can vaccines cause autism? Many parents of autistic children say yes. Don’t believe them? Watch this video.
Forrest Maready is a board-certified #AntiVaxxer and pharma-certified #Unbeliever. Hear his thoughts on Vaxxed and its impact on America. What does he think about our little 12-year-old science whiz who thinks there is not proof linking vaccines and autism? Since the kid’s YouTube video went viral, there’s been several more video’s and articles that are […]
It’s Interesting times in Colorado for parents who take a stand against forced vaccinations. Imagine receiving a letter from a state health department stating that you are required to register your non-vaccinated child with the state. Colorado parents found this in their mailbox, which means their children would be identified as “unvaccinated” in a government […]
When I first became a Mum, I never questioned getting my children vaccinated. It was just what you did when you have children – you do what your doctor tells you, because they know best. My husband and I had never been told that there could be any adverse reactions, only a bit of redness […]
A Zika vaccination is likely in your future, and in the futures of your children and grandchildren. Once the virus reaches the US, it will become a permanent, low-level threat, like the West Nile virus, according to researchers at this week’s annual meeting of the Global Virus Network in Atlanta, per National Geographic. The post […]
A shocking new science study funded by the Alberta Ministry of Health and published in the VACCINE science journal has found that nearly 10 percent of Canadian females end up in emergency rooms (the “Emergency Department” in Canadian vernacular) following HPV vaccine injections. Even more shockingly, vaccine researchers funded by the Alberta Ministry of Health […]
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