How about an alliance against the worldview that seeks to destroy the western world? Read more at
Where they burn books they will soon burn people….
The lying mainstream media originally misreported this story as a “mass shooting,” but it turns out the gunshots were law enforcement officers shooting Artan, halting the violence.
Wikileaks reveals proof that Hillary and ISIS are funded by the same money.
ISIS didn’t start in the Middle East…
ISIS didn’t start in the Middle East…
Obama created ISIS. It’s time for America to wake up:
In one of the most heartbreaking videos in recent memory, Kayla Mueller — an American humanitarian who was murdered after being taken hostage by ISIS — pleads for someone to help her as her life is in grave danger. Recorded before her death in February of 2015, the newly released video was created by members […]
“Sunni extremists are infiltrating the U.S with the help of alien smugglers in South America; and they are crossing the U.S. southern border with ease…”
Hillary Clinton pushed weapons into the hands of ISIS:
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