Natural disasters
The Health Ranger offers prayers and blessings to all those impacted by recent hurricanes. Podcast Transcript: “I want to take a timeout here and offer prayers to all those who have been struck by these various hurricanes that we’ve had recently. All the Texans who were harmed by hurricane Harvey and all the Floridians hurt […]
For the record, the world isn’t ending this Saturday. Despite the predictions of prophecy and Revelations, don’t bet on the world coming to an end this Saturday. Podcast Transcript: “So just for the record the world is not going to end this Saturday. There’s been a lot of talk about Bible prophecy and so on. […]
Crazy events seem to be converging… is something SUPERNATURAL afoot? Podcast Transcript: “In case you haven’t noticed the events of our world including weather events have gone way beyond the band of normal. We seem to be entering into events that may be supernatural in the classic definition of the term – beyond natural or […]
In the aftermath of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, is it time for the mainstream media to APOLOGIZE to all the preppers who have been mocked for promoting self-reliance? Podcast Transcript: “What’s the point of having 400 gas stations within closed driving distance if none of them have gas right? This is about preparedness. Welcome to […]
The Health Ranger explains why the left-wing media HATES individual preparedness. They would rather everybody become a VICTIM that has to be rescued by the government. Podcast Transcript: “It’s at times like these with Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma that more people wish they had been prepared in advance. You might wonder why didn’t more […]
The so-called “gas shortage” was caused by manufactured fear… not reality. Read more at and
The Health Ranger thanks customers and fans for helping raise $25,000 so far in the Health Ranger Store fundraiser for Hurricane Harvey victims. The goal is to raise $50,000, and a detailed report of the final amounts raised and donated will be posted on Podcast Transcript: “Here’s an update on the fundraiser of Hurricane […]
The Health Ranger Store announces a 48-hour fundraising effort to aid victims of Hurricane Harvey. All sales from 8/30 (Wednesday) through 8/31 (Thursday) result in a 50% donation to local relief groups that are aiding Hurricane Harvey victims. Fifty cents on every dollar of sales, in other words, is donated to these groups. Donation dollar […]
The Health Ranger explains why Texans are so resilient, compassionate and capable. It’s precisely because life in Texas can be challenging, but those challenges make people stronger. Podcast Transcript: “All right, I just got done trying to rescue a downed cow from the hurricane Harvey floods. What happened, I was told that this was a […]
The Health Ranger reveals five new websites that cover survival, preparedness, bugging out and making it through social collapse. Podcast Transcript: “We are just one trigger event away from chaos in this country. I want to give you some new websites that you may not have heard of that we have now published. They are […]
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