Bad science
This viral videos shows Dr. Caldwell explaining how every cancer could be cured in just weeks:
Berkeley engineers have built wireless sensors that can be implanted in the body… a Fitbit-like device that could monitor internal nerves, muscles or organs in real time.
Scientists at the University of Nebraska and John’s Hopkins discover a virus that makes people stupid…
In South America, millions of acres have been annihilated and transformed into GMO mono-crop fields of soy, corn and sugar cane, replete with planes spewing chemical trials of Roundup overhead. Many of these enormous fields are next to small villages and residents who are no longer able to grow diverse crops, or have a choice in what they […]
Let’s just get the truth out about aspartame. Jim Turner is a lawyer who has spent decades educating people about this dangerous and ubiquitous sugar substitute. Mr. Turner was instrumental in keeping aspartame off the market until 1981, when Searle company president Donald Rumsfeld forced its approval via President Reagan’s transition team. Read the sordid history here. […]
Dr. John Hall talks about MKultra – the CIA’s mind control program — MKultra was the code name given to an illegal program of experiments on human subjects, designed and undertaken by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
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