•Sprouts? Are they garnish, or are they food? Many who don’t know much about sprouts put them in the same category as parsley, a garnish that you put on your food but not much of a food in itself. That’s not my view. Anyone who takes the time to discover sprouts will learn that they are simply baby plants and some of those plants are widely used in cuisines around the world. If I were to mention, broccoli, cabbage, garlic, onion, chives, radish, buckwheat, lentils, peas, mustard, rye, you would likely acknowledge that you consume these foods. And if I were to mention alfalfa, farmers the world over would tell how important it is to them, their land, and their animals. All of these foods are essential of our food chain. It just so happens, that these are all fast growing plants and if you were to examine them after only a week’s time, you would already notice their green leaves starting. Even at this early stage, these plants provide the full flavor of the fully grown adult vegetables. In the case of alfalfa, the adult plant’s leaves are just a little bit too chewy to be considered delectable by people, but its baby leaves, the sprouts, are perfectly scrumptious.