* The collapse is getting close, and if we were really smart, we would have already give up the internet to focus on preparedness and survival.
* We’re long past the point of being able to stop the coming financial collapse.
* A massive, systemic debt collapse is coming and cannot be stopped.
* We should all be focused on massive preparedness efforts. If you were rational, you would have already moved out of the city.
* Most people will be blindsided by the coming collapse. They have NO backup plan.
* Most people have no plan to exit the city when the collapse accelerates.
* Why fiat currencies always collapse.
* Why cities become “death zones” in a collapse.
* Local police will be overrun and unable to respond to your emergency. They all know they’re badly outnumbered vs. the gangs.
* When it all hits the fan, don’t be standing in front of the fan. (Relocate in advance.)
* After surviving the coming collapse, we must all help rebuilt a society founded in individual liberty and the prevention of totalitarianism.
* Why adaptation and “survival of the fittest” will apply in any catastrophic collapse.
* Humanity will always rebuild, but not everybody will survive to see it.
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