In this podcast:
* A customer sends in a big “Thank You” to the Health Ranger making certified organic, storable food so affordable.
* We sold out our entire inventory in less than a day.
* Most survival foods are loaded with GMOs, MSG, soy byproducts, maltodextrin, yeast extract, pesticides and other chemicals.
* How can they call them “survival” food when they’re loaded with chemicals that KILL you?
* Most of the survival food on the market is total crap.
* This is why I’m the strictest food scientist in the survival food industry. I test everything in the lab, and I reject things that don’t meet my stringent requirements.
* It is EXTREMELY difficult to source large quantities of these certified organic ingredients, because the demand for organics is very high. We have to reject many lots that don’t meet our standards.
* Our customers are telling us that they want us to keep manufacturing organic food that’s laboratory validated to be ultra clean.
* Organic storable food can’t be mainstream under current supply conditions. There isn’t enough supply of the ingredients currently in the pipeline.
* My goal isn’t to be “mainstream” but to create the cleanest, highest grade organic storable food for discerning customers and fans.
* We haven’t even announced the Ranger Buckets on our website. We sold out before we had the chance.
* When a crisis unfolds, you won’t be able to order any of this food because it will be completely sold out in mere minutes.
* We don’t use any GMOs or MSG in our entire operation.
* We have some amazing food science announcements coming up this year from our lab (http://CWClabs.com)
* Your support of our organic survival food helps fund our laboratory that is conducting pioneering food science to empower humanity with knowledge.
* It makes us feel very happy, knowing that in any future crisis, some people will be aided in their survival due to our Ranger Buckets.
* Good nutrition helps you adapt and survive in high-stress situations.
* Stress causes your body to dump minerals. Then nutritional requirements go UP!
* Yet most survival food sold today is almost completely lacking in real nutrition, providing just CALORIES that promote obesity rather than health.
* I have chosen specific, strategic ingredients to maximize your body’s self-healing process.
* Ranger Bucket foods are HIGHER in trace minerals than most other processed foods.
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