Like always, you have to follow the money. And the money is on the future. And boy are they chasing it!
The future is about authentication. Your iris scan will suffice. It’s miles beyond identification. No Luddite screen names and passwords. The future is cashless. No fuss, no mess, no dirty dollar bills. The future is Huxley’s Brave New World — and Soma mind control. The electric spark inside your head reminds you that it’s time to swallow your NanoVax.
But that’s the future. It’s not now. Not yet, but it’s getting mighty close. The Epoch Times tells us that people don’t really want to think or talk about the future, or the economic and social upheaval taking us there “because the truth is too shocking.” That’s a big reason, but there are others.
Former middle class folks might not have the time or energy to ponder a nano, synthetic bio-robot or a universe that runs on artificial intelligence because they have other things on their flesh and blood brain — like how to pay for food, healthcare, medicine, gasoline, diapers, taxes and those carbon green scam energy bills that keep going up. Trillions of printed dollars aren’t worth a bit. Obesity, diabetes, gastrointestinal disorders, cancer, heart disease, autism, trending north, just like the profits of Big Pharma. College grads are back at home living with their parents and they’re all in debt.
The people with time to think about the next industrial revolution are the same group supplying the money that’s creating our future. And many are all gushy, almost downright religious about creating alternative species with transhumanism, nanotechnology, biotechnology, robotics, and artificial intelligence: Google, Facebook, NVIDIA, the CIA, Wall Street, the Pentagon, think tanks, the Department of Defense, educational curriculums, the bankers, venture capitalists and global strategist Viktor Shvets, who works for the Macquarie Group, a powerhouse financial services consortium with a keen eye to risk management.
Shvets spoke about the cultural, societal and technological shifts making landfall in an extensive interview with the The Epoch Times. And he didn’t pull punches, stating, “The private sector will never recover. It will never multiply money again … this time we are replacing humans altogether … it’s easier to start a war than to forgive debt.” Shvets’ investment themes and priorities include “the declining return on humans, the replacement of humans, biotech, augmentation of humans and opium for the people.”
Yes indeed, that’s where the money is and that’s where the money is going.
The Epoch Times is a bit behind the times, however. They call this massive cultural technological shift the “third industrial revolution.” Professor Klaus Schwab, the founder of the World Economic Forum says in his interview with Foreign Affairs that the “third used electronics and information technology to automate production.” The fourth, as per Schwab, is “blurring the lines between the physical, digital, and biological spheres.” Since his organization gathers world business and governmental leaders yearly to determine the future of our lives, we’ll go with his count.
Some workers won’t be replaced by robots — at first — probably just those middle managers who believe that it’s the employees beneath them than that should be replaced. After all, robots don’t get sick, don’t need smoke breaks and don’t have to eliminate waste. Although they find a smart toilet intriguing.
The social order appears to be collapsing, like a 9/11 planned implosion. But this one’s timed perfectly for the next generation. They won’t have to remember anything at all.