American politicians and the Judicial Branch have gone out of their way to destroy traditional Christian faith by attacking, belittling, and punishing adherents anytime they stray from prescribed government dogma.
But one thing they want you to continue to believe in, even if there’s no good reason to do so: The U.S. dollar.
In fact, today more than at any time in our history, our currency’s “value” is based purely on a belief that it is worth something, simply because we are told it has value. Once upon a time U.S. currency was on the gold standard; every dollar in circulation could be backed up by an equivalent amount of gold. That hasn’t been the case since President Nixon got rid of the standard in 1971.
Now, a new video for NewsTarget produced by Natural News founder/CEO Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, explains how an economic system really works and what it must be based on if it is avoid collapse at some point – like the U.S. currency is shaping up to do at some point in the near future.
“When a money supply is based on real economics and real fundamentals, then it doesn’t depend on faith,” he says in the video below.
“So if you have a currency that’s backed by gold, for example, you don’t have to have people believe in that currency,” he continues. “It doesn’t matter if they believe in it or not because” gold is backing up the currency and that is a tangible asset.
When a monetary system gets away from the gold standard – or, being based on anything that has historically been tangible and had intrinsic value – and becomes a “fiat currency” based on valuations set by government agencies, then the people the currency serves must have faith that their money is worth what they are told it is worth. And that works – for a time, until events cause that faith to evaporate.
When that happens, currencies collapse, Adams noted.
This “faith-based currency…is what we have in most countries today, including the United States,” he noted.
And it’s not just currency. Adams noted further that most of our global economic order is based on faith, in that, for example, valuations for certain products and commodities on various stock markets are not premised on physical, tangible assets, but only what somebody or some entity somewhere says they are worth.
Money works the same way. If someone gives you a $10 bill, you are expected to assume it is “worth” 10 dollars; a $100 billion, you accept it as being worth $100 – even though the ink and paper to print both are worth roughly the same amount, Adams stated.
He further noted that fiat currencies have risen – and collapsed – throughout human history.
Watch Adams’ entire mini-documentary below.