It’s borderline comedic that Hillary Clinton is so corrupt and yet her followers continue to blindly follow her. If that fact didn’t have such devastating consequences on the future of America, you might even be able to laugh about just how insane it actually is. Of course, it does have devastating consequences for the future of America, so it should be taken a whole lot more seriously than it currently is.
A new video released by the team behind Clinton Cash: A Graphic Novel puts an artistic face on the upsetting nature of the Clinton family’s corruption. In just over one minute, the billionaire Clinton family is exposed for being the money-hungry, corrupt, and downright evil fascists that they are. Even if you’ve already accepted the truth about their true intentions, watching the video is important to see just how it all goes down.
If only these were the ads that were getting advertising space on television, then perhaps the brainwashed masses would already be turned on to what Hillary Clinton is all about, instead of buying into the mainstream media’s lies about her intentions.
The narrator in the video breaks down how the Clinton family has been able to make so much money, stating, “The pattern begins with a poor country that’s rich in natural resources. A country run by a tyrannical autocrat ready to do business … Bill is paid to give speeches. Hillary uses her powers to remove any obstacles. Contributions are paid to Clinton interests. As her power and influence grow, so does Hillary and Bill’s bottom line.”
If these people once again regain control of America, then we could be facing a legitimate collapse of society. That’s not an exaggeration, folks. Things could become so terrible that the entire foundation of our country is destroyed. Where we stand in 2016, it doesn’t look all that far off. We are potentially facing the most devastating election in modern American history. It’s up to us to ensure that Hillary Clinton is not the next president of the United States.
She is the very establishment that we should all be battling against. No matter how badly she tries to relate to us, she cannot due to the fact that she is way more corrupt and evil than any of us could ever dream of being. She is a problem for anyone who wants to live freely within the United States.
We have to use our votes wisely.