The Alt-Left has completely come out of the shadows since the election of Donald J. Trump to become protector and leader of the free world, fully revealing itself and not the 45th president to be the real fascist threat to American liberties and freedoms.
The latest incident is Google’s decision to censor all Natural News content from its search engine results – some 140,000 pages – a move that is already generating incredible backlash against the world’s preeminent search engine and media company.
But there is much more happening here than meets the eye: Google is part of a “criminal conspiracy” to shut down any and all media defenders of the president, as Natural News founder/editor Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, has revealed in a recent interview with Dave Hodges on “The Common Sense Show.”
Adams said that the decision to remove Natural News content was not over something improper that the site had done or over any technical issues like malware. He said the company discovered it was a purposeful, human decision – not a technical issue – that led directly to Natural News content being censored. It was purposeful, in other words. No warnings issued, and no reason why given. (RELATED: Mike Adams and Alex Jones Taken Down by Google / CIA Prior to Big Event: Trump Needs to Beware)
Just recently, Adams was threatened with complete destruction of his hard-earned reputation as a liberty-minded straight shooter when it comes to all aspects of natural health. Then, he was offered $50,000 to help destroy Infowars’ founder/creator Alex Jones, or else, and when Adams refused, the Google censorship began only days afterward. Not a coincidence.
As for Jones, one of his primary sources of ad revenue, through the company AdRoll, a San Francisco-based, well-funded start-up with ties to Google, dropped Infowars as a client, resulting in the loss of about $3 million annually in revenue. Again, no coincidence.
“It seems they’ve made good on their threat,” Adams told Hodges. “It might be just the beginning. I’m not even sure, but they’re now definitely trying to silence the independent media with economic sabotage.”
Adams said the loss of traffic from Google searches amounts to around 1.8 million visitors per month.
“This is electronic fascism,” Adams said, adding it was akin to “modern-day electronic book-burning.”
“Google is the Fourth Reich at this point, and they are trying to silence voices,” he said, adding that the search giant, in deep-sixing NaturalNews.com content, is also denying tens of thousands of people access to life-saving information covered by Natural News correspondents and reporters.
Both Adams and Hodges believe that criminal actions have been committed – extortion and racketeering among two of the potential crimes, for threatening Adams and then taking actions against his site and his company.
Hodges said that sources he is in contact with have said that the owner of the Washington Post, Jeff Bezos, has inked a $600 million contract with the CIA and the 16 other U.S. intelligence agencies, ostensibly to shape the political narrative and, perhaps, to undermine the Trump administration.
He also said that the Trump White House was closing in on the so-called “Pizzagate” scandal, which was briefly associated with the failed campaign of Hillary Clinton after hacked emails released by Wikileaks. According to some reports, the real scandal is that it is tied to a high-level child sex ring and that some of the released emails contained code words for ordering pizza when they really refer to wanting to engage in sex with children. (RELATED: Fascist Google begins PURGE of pro-Trump websites as prelude to massive false flag or coup attempt)
Readers of Natural News and others are coming to the site’s defense. One such supporter wrote:
I have just learned that google has removed all of the pages from NaturalNews.com from its search results. I have verified this by searching google.com for ‘NaturalNews.com’ and found no hits from NaturalNews.com in the search results. I want you to know that I think censoring NaturalNews.com is a big mistake. The site contains an incredible wealth of information on nutrition, healthy eating, body cleansing and detoxification, and many many other topics. Natural News has played a huge role in my efforts to improve my health and quality of life and I am sure there are many thousands of other people who would make the same claim. The people of the world need the information on NaturalNews.com. Google will be condemned by the millions of Natural News fans around the world if the NaturalNews.com website isn’t reinstated without delay. I know that Google is capable of doing the right thing, but there is nothing right about censoring NaturalNews.com.
Google’s image took a huge hit when Edward Snowden came out with his revelations. I don’t think Google understands how badly censoring Natural News is going to impact Google’s public perception. If you wish to avoid being dismissed as lackeys for the new world order I recommend you reinstate Natural News to your search engine database without delay.
We appreciate your continued support.
J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for NaturalNews.com and NewsTarget.com, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.