If you ever needed another reason to hate Hollywood and the Left-wing, self-loving, self-promoting twits who pass themselves off as ‘entertainers,’ here goes.
In recent days late-night ‘comedian’ Jimmy Kimmel gave an ‘impassioned’ tear-filled monologue that wound up going viral online regarding some health issues with his newborn son.
Following the birth of his son last month, Kimmel and his wife, surrounded by nurses and family members in the hospital room, watched as the newborn turned blue. They were given the disturbing news that something was wrong with his heart, his lungs or perhaps both.
Calling it “the longest three hours of my life” while additional doctors and nurses with machines were brought into the room, his newly born son was prepped for emergency open-heart surgery. Thankfully, it was successful – a good thing most everyone would (and should) agree upon. Nobody likes to see a parent suffer.
So it was completely understandable that Kimmel could not tell the story to his audience without breaking down in tears.
“And then his monologue when horribly awry,” Charles Hurt of the Washington Times wrote.
In the middle of relating to his audience and incredibly moving and touching story, we find out the real reason behind it: To make a stinking, Left-wing political statement.
“I want to say one other thing,” Kimmel said after graciously thanking those involved in saving his son’s life. “President Trump last month proposed a $6 billion cut in funding to the National Institute of Health. And, thank God, our congressmen made a deal last night not to go along with that.”
Poof. For tens of millions of Americans who may have been moved by the ordeal suffered by Kimmel and his family, that empathy vanished in a millisecond.
“They actually increased funding by $2 billion,” Kimmel continued. “And I applaud them for doing that. Because more than 40 percent of the people who would have been affected by those cuts to the National Institutes of Health are children. And it would have a major impact on a log of great places, including Children’s Hospital in Los Angeles,” he cried. “Which is so unbelievably sad to me.”
So there you have it, right from the far-Left Democratic playbook: Republicans hate kids and want them to die.
What garbage. But it’s the same BS that Democrats have used for decades. They used it again to attack the GOP and Trump over their efforts to repeal and replace the failing Obamacare, which has left millions of Americans who don’t have the means to pay like Kimmel does for their healthcare. They can’t even afford the premiums and the deductibles, despite the fact that Obama and Democrats lied their you-know-what’s off to get this lousy, collapsing legislation passed in the first place.
Where are your tears for those families and those children, Jimmy?
And what about the hundreds of billions of dollars Democrats, via Obamacare, cut from Medicare? The law as written allowed the government to cut payments to hospitals and insurance companies, meaning that despite what costs the hospital and insurance companies now incur, the Obama regime and Democrats decided they were going to just pay them a percentage of what was owed. You whine about hospitals losing funding, what about that? This loss of revenue, by the way, also led to higher prices that people without multi-million dollar annual incomes now have to pay. Compassion much for them? (RELATED: OUTRAGE! Jimmy Kimmel makes fun of vaccine-damaged children, revives hate speech bigotry on national TV)
And let’s not forget to mention the trillions of dollars in debt we’re already in, Kimmel, thanks in large part to your buddy, Barack, who doubled it to $20 trillion on his watch. Doubled it. That’s money your child is going to have to pay back someday; is that how you define love – by saddling him with an unbelievable amount of debt before he ever takes his first step?
If health care is broken, Jimmy – and it is – then you ought to be blaming the Democratic Party you so adore, not a president who’s been on the job less than four months and is trying to save it from collapsing completely.
Oh, and while you’re at it, the next time you want to use your son as a political prop, look up the word “pathetic” and then read the definition while looking at yourself in a mirror.
J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for NaturalNews.com and NewsTarget.com, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.