It was probably just a simple mistake. But then again, anti-Trump Democrats still reeling over the President’s tendentious win back in November remain so perpetually irate that it isn’t entirely out of the question that they’re having trouble remembering simple things like dates – including when the next presidential election cycle is set to take place.
During a recent cable news segment discussing the controversial “Trumpcare” bill with fellow host Chris Matthews, MSNBC correspondent Katy Tur mistakenly – we’ll give her the benefit of the doubt on this – claimed that the next presidential election will be taking place in 2018. Presumably unaware of this error, Matthews responded in agreement and, as he usually does, proceeded to bash the President.
The exchange took place so quickly that many viewers probably didn’t even catch the fact that Americans will not be selecting a new president in 2018. But this major faux pas on national television quickly went viral after other media outlets took notice of it, and it surely isn’t doing MSNBC any favors when it comes to maintaining credibility and respect.
“Is there any chance that Donald Trump will face a primary challenger in 2018 from the Republican side?” Tur is seen asking Matthews, who took the unintentional bait and ran with it.
“Well probably, because he’s controversial, and there are people like George Will and his column today in the Washington Post, there’s a lot of true blue conservatives out there, and I mean that, true blue conservatives who don’t like him,” Matthews responded. “And there are people in the party that see it as an opportunity to make hay. He’s going to have a tough re-election and a tough re-nomination fight. Who knows what’ll happen.”
A clip of this embarrassing moment is available for viewing at Breitbart.com.
Chris Matthews has been a journalistic joke for a long time
Anyone who’s familiar with his rantings already knows that Chris Matthews is hardly a Trump fan. In a childish commentary he made following the president’s inaugural speech, for instance, Matthews took the low road by claiming that President Trump’s rhetoric was “Hitlerian” – even his own colleagues chided him for this one.
In March of last year, before Trump won the election, Matthews tried to skewer him on the issue of abortion, failing miserably in the process. The then-presidential contender wasn’t about to be cornered, challenging Matthews, who claims to be a Catholic, on how he’s able to reconcile his faith with his apparent view that women should be allowed to murder their unborn children without punishment.
And just a few days ago, Matthews took to the airwaves to claim that the President has “trashed everyone,” referring to Trump’s recent firing of corrupt FBI head James Comey. This latest manufactured outrage over Comey’s firing is particularly curious as many Democrats were loudly in favor of getting rid of him last year when doing so seemed politically expedient. Now they’re claiming that Comey was should have stayed because he was supposedly investigating President Trump’s alleged ties to Russia, which is also false.
There seems to be no end to all the ranting and raving by the Left over Trump’s decisions, regardless of what they are. It’s a damned if he does, and damned if he doesn’t, situation where no matter what direction our President decides to take the nation, those who wanted Hillary Clinton as president are going to be upset over it. And they’ll have disgruntled rattlers like Matthews cheerleading them all along the way.