Mike Adams explains why the global elite are deliberately engineering war in order to cover up the currency crimes of the world’s central banks.
Podcast Transcript: “War is coming. It’s deliberate. It might be more accurate to say that War is being engineered. In this podcast, I’m going to explain exactly why – including the dynamics of the fiat currency system and the federal reserve. Welcome to my podcast. This is Mike Adams, the Health Ranger. Go to HealthRangerReport.com for more podcasts. First, to understand ‘why they have to create war’, lets start with the stock market. In order for the people to continue to believe that they need the government (remember the number one purpose of the government is to protect it’s own interest and grow in size and even increase the public’s obedience to the government) they have to keep the illusion of prosperity growing. So, they have to keep the stock market rising. They have to keep creating money and pumping it into the stock market. This is called quantitative easing. This is what the federal reserve has been doing since 2008. When they also created a couple trillion dollars over night and pumped that into the failing bank system as well, to prevent the global economic collapse – which frankly should have happened mathematically in 2008. So, for the government to stay in power, they have to keep the stock market up and in order to do that they have to keep creating money.”
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WAR is being ENGINEERED on purpose from NaturalNews on Vimeo.