The Health Ranger explains why Bitcoin “scarcity” is a big fat LIE.
Podcast Transcript: “Although I was an early advocate of bitcoin – and I remain an advocate of the cryptocurrency concept in general – everything that we were promised about bitcoin has turned out to be false. In fact, bitcoin has become a sleazy con and ponzi scheme. Today, I’m going to explain one big reason why that’s the case. An irrefutable, rational logic that no one can argue with – unless of course they are lying to you, which some people will do. But it’s very simple. You know the claim where they say bitcoin has built in mathematical scarcity. This is what makes it real money. “Oh my god, it’s got scarcity, so it most be real money.” This is what we’re told. It’s complete BS. Number one – well, I’m going to give you two big reasons why. When you understand this you’re going to go “oh my god, that’s so true. There is no scarcity really in bitcoin.” The first thing is: Anybody can create another cryptocurrency…” Listen to the full podcast below:
Stay informed and avoid getting hurt by Bitcoin by reading BitRAPED.com or BitcoinCrash.news
Why Bitcoin SCARCITY is an elaborate LIE from NaturalNews on Vimeo.