In case you haven’t kept up with the increasing insanity of the intolerant Left in America, ESPN has pulled an Asian-American announcer named “Robert Lee” from a college football game because his name might have “triggered” fragile snowflakes who have been transformed into shivering blobs of lunacy by the Left’s relentless attack on logic and reason.
Podcast Transcript: “So, the insanity of the Left has just taken another leap into the realm of the completely absurd with ESPN now pulling a sports announcer off of a college football game because – he’s Asian American by the way, his name is Robert Lee. Might sound kind of similar to Robert E. Lee, the Virginian Civil war general, who was originally a general of the North, but then when the North invaded Virginia, Robert E. Lee decided he wasn’t going to kill his own neighbors, his own countrymen in Virginia, so he joined the South at that point and fought for Virginia against Northern aggression as it was known by Virginians. So, now if you simply have the name Lee – which by the way about a hundred million Chinese people have. It’s an extremely common last name. There are lots of Lee’s all over the world, in China, in the United States, across Europe … Apparently now if your last name is Lee you also a racist…” Listen to the full podcast below:
Read more at LiberalMob.com or LibTards.news
ESPN bans Asian sports announcer named Robert Lee from NaturalNews on Vimeo.