Al Gore is a climate buffoon who, on national television, confused TIDES with apocalyptic ocean levels rising due to global warming.
Podcast Transcript: “Al Gore was being interviewed by Chris Wallace on Fox News the other day and Chris asked him, “Hey, Al. You said in 2006 that we only have 10 years left for a planet before the climate change apocalypse would destroy everything. Yet, here it is, 11 years later, and there are no cities under water. Everything is fine.” I’m paraphrasing obviously, but that’s what I asked Al Gore and Al Gore responds. “Oh no, no things are getting really bad. I was in Miami the other day and fish were swimming in the streets, because global warming has raised the ocean levels so much that cities are being inundated now.” What the hell is he talking about?” Listen to the full podcast below:
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Al Gore CLIMATE BUFFOON thinks tides are the oceans rising from NaturalNews on Vimeo.