Mike Adams explains why helicopters may soon be obsolete for some applications as quad copter drones are emerging that can carry human passengers.
Podcast Transcript: “The helicopter is an ancient design. It’s really outmoded and it’s going to be replaced. It’s kind of an obvious replacement. We’re going to have helicopter sized drones, like quad copter or octo copter configurations. You’ll be able to sit in these large drones, as it were a helicopter, but it doesn’t function like a helicopter. The flight characteristics are totally different. By the way, I’m trained as a pilot of light aircraft, but not as a helicopter pilot. Although, just being trained as a fixed-wing aircraft pilot, of course you learn basic characteristics of flight. Personally, I would not fly in a helicopter – an old-style helicopter, because they’re too damn dangerous. There are too many powerlines and antennas that are too tall. You know that’s how a helicopter pilot dies. They get hung up on wires and antennas and things end very badly in a helicopter, because you can’t glide your way in… You just crash and burn…” Listen to the full podcast below:
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Helicopters OBSOLETE? New drones will carry PEOPLE from NaturalNews on Vimeo.