The Health Ranger, laboratory science pioneer, science paper author and science integrity whistleblower, sounds the alarm over widespread science fraud in the hemp and CBD industries.
Podcast Transcript: “I’ve got a big warning for hemp and CBD consumers. Welcome to HealthRangerScience.com. My name is Mike Adams, the Health Ranger. You may know me as the founder and director of CWC labs. We’re pioneering a lot of the innovative science of the quantitation of cannabiniods and hemp extracts. I just had a science paper published recently in a journal, peer-reviewed mainstream science journal, called LC GC. In that journal we looked at a method using a combination liquid chromatography and mass spec to quantitate – I think it was ten different cannabiniods in hemp extracts … But the warning that I have for you today is to tell you without any question whatsoever – there is massive lab science fraud in California and Colorado…” Listen to the full podcast:
Learn more at: CBDs.news and JunkScienceWatch.com
Massive SCIENCE FRAUD in CBD & Hemp Industries from NaturalNews on Vimeo.