The Health Ranger explains how hysterical Leftists are under the spell of mass hypnosis, causing them to be cognitively unable to see any violence carried out by radical Left-wing groups (such as Antifa) while focusing entirely on the violence of radical Alt-Right groups (such as Neo-Nazis).
Podcast Transcript: “Have you ever been to a stage hypnosis event? They’re very entertaining. Participants, usually from the audience, are hypnotized to believe all kinds of different things like, “oh they’re a person of the opposite sex or they’re cold or they’re hot,” – when they’re not really. They’re hypnotized into also believing that things exist that are not there. We call that hallucinatory effects in hypnosis. Or that things that are there, they’re hypnotized into thinking that they’re not there. So, a hypnotist can teach someone that, or influence someone to, believe that – let’s say a red dragon is standing right in front of them when there isn’t one there. That’s called a positive hallucination – positive meaning it’s additive. In a so-called negative hallucination or a subtractive hallucination, someone might be able to be hypnotized to say that the person sitting next to them is actually not there. That it’s an empty chair, but there’s actually someone sitting there. So, there are several different types of hallucinations that can be used. Now the reason I’m mentioning this is because America has been mass hypnotized by the media, by academia and by certain activists into believing all kinds of things that are absolutely not true…” Listen to the full podcast below:
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America under the SPELL of MASS HYPNOSIS! from NaturalNews on Vimeo.