Serial rapist Harvey Weinstein has been PROTECTED for years by the same left-wing media that routinely attacks Trump.
Podcast Transcript: “You know the real story in this Harvey Weinstein abuse of women and sexual assault, and how his protege Ben the Affleck was also groping women routinely sometimes on camera… The real story is not just that these people did that, but that the Left-wing media covered it up. Left-wing politicians covered it up. The Hollywood media especially knew about it, refused to report on it and why – because Harvey Weinstein and people like him – like Ben Affleck or Matt Damon – these are people who push the liberal agenda. They’re promoting abortion and donating money to abortion causes like Planned Parenthood. They’re promoting climate change narratives – which are junk science. They’re promoting gun control and of course they’re attacking Donald Trump. What are they attacking Donald Trump about…”
Listen to the full podcast below:
Read more at LiberalMob.com or Twisted.news
Harvey Weinstein PROTECTED by the left-wing media from NaturalNews on Vimeo.