As Bitcoin skyrockets past $18,000, I’m issuing a new Bitcoin warning video (see below for the full video). Bitcoin speculation has now clearly reached the level of a “digital tulip bulb mania” that’s going to end catastrophically. Historians will be writing about the mania (and the madness of crowds) for decades to come, and the Bitcoin collapse will be used by the establishment to discredit decentralized systems, libertarians and certain sectors of the independent media.
The headlines you’re going to see emblazoned across the mainstream media when this scheme unravels will include, “Bitcoin BLOODBATH” and “Bitcoin Goes BUST.” Every individual and website publisher that promoted Bitcoin is going to be named, discredited and possibly even indicted.
The people who are buying into Bitcoin right now are nothing more than sheep being led to slaughter. (Stay up to date on all this by reading BitRAPED.com.) When this Ponzi scheme collapses, who are they going to blame? People like Max Kaiser, of course, plus other individuals who may even face arrest and prosecution for their involvement in this financial fraud scheme.
Stay informed by reading BitRAPED.com
Bitcoin goes PATHOLOGICAL … pure mania on parade from NaturalNews on Vimeo.