The Health Ranger explains why lab reporting that things test “positive” for arsenic aren’t being honest about their results.
Podcast Transcript: “This is a preview announcement about what I have come to decide is a real deception in science and I need to go public with this. I’m going to do a full video about it, but this is just kind of a preview podcast and it concerns the issue of an independent nonprofit laboratory out there reporting that certain foods are testing quite positive for arsenic. I understand they’re trying to do a good thing by raising awareness about arsenic. But to say that a food test positive for arsenic… I’ve thought about this a lot. I’ve talked with my colleagues in my laboratory and we all agree that such a statement is extremely deceptive and total quack science. Why is that? Well, the word positive means that it contains at least one element of that when you’re talking about element or one atom of it. The word positive is deceptive in that context, because positive is usually used for testing athletes for drugs for example or other similar uses where there is a specific compound drug that is often a synthetic molecule. It’s not an element. It’s a molecule. So, it’s made up of many elements and it’s a synthetic molecule with a very specific pharmacological purpose. You can say that an athlete tests positive for a performance-enhancing drug. That makes sense in that context, but to say that a food test positive for arsenic does not make sense, because there is at least one atom of arsenic in every piece of food everywhere. Thus everything tests positive for arsenic in other words. It’s total junk science to claim that, in their case, baby food test positive for arsenic. Well, of course baby food tests positive. So, do watermelons. So do grapes. So do oranges. So does your hair by the way. There’s arsenic in your hair I guarantee you. If you have a sensitive enough heavy metals instrument you can see it. We do run heavy metals analysis…” Listen to the full podcast below:
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Science DECEPTION: Can foods test “positive” for arsenic? from NaturalNews on Vimeo.