The Health Ranger explains why he secretly hopes Bitcoin will SUCCEED, but fears it’s going to be crushed by the criminal central banks.
Podcast Transcript: “You know I think Bitcoin is a victim of its own success. I want to clarify something here that I’m not in any way anti-Bitcoin. In fact, I secretly hope Bitcoin succeeds, even though I’ve warned about it being a bubble. In my view, it would have been great if Bitcoin had just achieved slow, steady growth over time; slow adoption without the hype, mania and the bubble that we’ve been seeing lately. That’s what I would love to see with Bitcoin, but because Bitcoin exploded and became so over hyped, that’s when I started warning people to watch out, because this thing is so volatile. You started hearing stories about people selling their homes to start mining Bitcoin – and you know the math works great as long as Bitcoin is going up, but once it reverses, oh boy a lot of people are gonna get hurt. So, it’s really my concern for people getting hurt and I don’t want people to walk into it not knowing what they’re doing… but secretly – well I guess not so secretly now – I do actually hope that some kind of decentralized cryptocurrency succeeds. Really underneath it all, a vote for Bitcoin, or any other cryptocurrency, is really a vote against the Central Bank. I really see them as an old-school model that is about to become obsolete. One of the reasons that I’ve warned about Bitcoin is because I’ve known all along that the central banks will fight back. I mean the central banks are in bed with the the government system…” Listen to the full podcast below:
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Why I secretly hope Bitcoin SUCCEEDS from NaturalNews on Vimeo.