The CDC plans to warn Americans about the health dangers of nuclear war. But remember, this is the same CDC that can’t even tell Americans how to avoid the flu.
Podcast Transcript: “This is gonna be freaking hilarious. The CDC is now pretending that it knows something about preparing our medical system for a nuclear attack. Yeah. The CDC has announced that it’s gonna have a little education session for doctors and health care workers about what to do if we are nuked. Now this was decided by the CDC, and sort of secretly announced in December of 2017, when it became apparent that Kim Jong-un has nukes. Those nukes can reach America and that dudes crazy. He’s got a little button on his desk, which is nothing compared to the bigger button on Trump’s desk. But if Kim Jong-un manages to get a nuke our way, it kind of doesn’t even really matter whether we can nuke him back in terms of the destruction of a major US city. He could nuke New York. He could nuke Washington DC. He could nuke Chicago. So, the CDC announced, ‘Well we better educate doctors and and healthcare practitioners on what to do if your city gets nuked.’ Ok, so now this is not a laughing matter. I’m not laughing at the matter. What I’m laughing at is the total incompetence of the CDC, which can’t even prevent the flu. All they do is promote flu shots that don’t work. Right now in California, Chicago and New York you have an epidemic of the flu which is the easiest thing in the world to prevent and cure. I know this because I haven’t had the flu in like 15 years. I never get vaccine shots. The way you prevent the flu is through…” Listen to the full podcast below:
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CDC to warn Americans about NUCLEAR attack from NaturalNews on Vimeo.