Here’s how the lunatic Left destroys language, logic and meaning by insisting that words mean nothing.
Podcast Transcript: “So, according to LGBT etiquette you’re supposed to now ask people what their gender pronouns are when you first encounter them. So, it’s like, “Hey! Hi, my name’s Bob. What’s your name and what are your gender pronouns?” Of course this question can be considered offensive to many people like, “what do you mean?” You can’t tell I’m a woman or you can’t tell I’m a man? What you gotta ask me my gender pronouns? What is a gender pronoun?” This is the kind of thing that you get from these people. So, you see the victimhood narrative of the Left is designed to create a situation where you are always at fault, no matter what. So, if you don’t ask them their gender pronouns and you say, “Oh how are you today sir or how are you today ma’am?” Then you’re guilty, you’re a racist, you’re a sexist, you’re a homophobe, because you use ma’am or sir without asking for permission. You don’t know if that woman is actually a woman or in transition to a man, or used to be a man five minutes ago, but now is a woman, or a genderqueer or a double unicorn, or a gender queer fairy… I don’t know. There’s a list of like sixty of these things now. They make no sense, but you’re supposed to know, you’re supposed to read people’s minds now and know whether or not to ask for their gender pronouns. You know this is… The insanity has reached such a new level that you almost can’t operate now in society, in a normal way, without being accused of being a racist, a sexist, a homophobe, Islamophobe or whatever else. It’s just totally insane. This is the way the Left wants it, because the Left can’t win any arguments or debates…” Listen to the full podcast below:
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Excuse me, what are your GENDER pronouns? from NaturalNews on Vimeo.