The Health Ranger explains the real story about the most horrific political scandal in the history of our nation.
Podcast Transcript: “It’s all about to hit the fan. I’m talking about #Releasethememo. I’m talking about the FISA warrant, the deep state corruption, the secret spying program… There’s so many people going down and going to jail. By the way, that list needs to include Peter Strzok, Lisa Paige, James Comey, Robert Mueller, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Andrew McCabe, Cheryl Mills, Loretta Lynch… There’s a long list. There’s more, I can’t even remember them all. These people need to go to jail. Some of them may actually end up behind bars, not all of them of course, maybe not even most of them, but some may. Why? Because they tried to pull off the most horrific, lawless, political spying scandal in the history of our country. It’s being called ‘Obamagate,’ because it goes all the way to the top of the Obama administration. As you know, Obama is a sleeper cell – well, was a sleeper cell – president. That’s a story I wrote back in 2016. Obama is a sleeper cell – a traitor to America. He authorized the secret spying on the Trump campaign officials illegally, completely without a warrant. Then in order to justify the spying, they made sure that the FBI and the Clinton campaign conspired to pay for the creation of the so-called ‘Trump dossier’ – which is a complete work of fiction…” Listen to the full podcast below:
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#ReleaseTheMemo goes VIRAL as FISA warrant corruption exposed from NaturalNews on Vimeo.