The Health Ranger explains the bizarre contradiction in the Democrats’ gun control argument.
Podcast Transcript: “This is going to be a short podcast, just real quickly. People are asking what can we do about these school shootings, because this Florida shooting sadly took the lives of another 17 innocent people – including one coach or athletic director at the school. Many students and of course the Left wants gun control, but they don’t think through what that means. Think about it. The Left, these are the same people who say Trump is Hitler right. You’ve heard this dozens of times, maybe hundreds of times. They say Trump is Hitler. Gun control means taking guns out of the hands of the people and concentrating all guns in the hands of government. And who’s running the government today? Well, according to Left, Hitler. So, think about that. They want to take all the guns away from the people and put the guns into the hands of Hitler. It’s like if you transported today’s Leftists back to 1939, they would have disarmed the Jews and handed all the guns to Adolf Hitler so that he could commit more efficient genocide during the Holocaust, while the Jews were completely disarmed…” Listen to the full podcast below:
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Why do Democrats want to give TRUMP all the GUNS? from NaturalNews on Vimeo.