The Health Ranger warns that the deranged, lunatic Left is attempting to ELIMINATE all conservative voices from society (by any means required).
We are living in dangerous times.
Product Transcript: “I’ve got a serious warning for all Americans. This is Mike Adams, the Health Ranger here. HealthRangerReport.com is where you can hear more of my podcasts. Right now, in case you haven’t noticed – I’m sure you have – There’s an effort underway to nullify the Second Amendment. Now, if you’re listening to this it doesn’t matter if you’re pro-gun or anti gun, because the Second Amendment is not where this effort stops. In fact, the message here is that if the Left succeeds in taking away the Second Amendment, they will move to take away the First Amendment. In fact, they’re already doing that selectively against Conservatives. Look at the censorship from Google, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter they selectively censor and oppress only Conservative viewpoints, or pro-trump viewpoints for that matter. They do not exercise that same censorship against Progressives, Democrats, Liberals or Hillary Clinton supporters – or anti-gun people or pro-abortion people. The censorship right now is part of the effort – it’s really an effort – to say on the part of the Left, that Conservatives have no rightful place in society whatsoever; that they’re not allowed to win elections, they’re not allowed to hold office, they’re not allowed to engage in public debate, they shouldn’t even be allowed – according to the Left – to vote at all. This is the systematic destruction or the separation of an entire segment of society that the Left disagrees with…” Listen to the full podcast below:
Read more at NaturalNews.com or NewsTarget.com
After destroying SECOND AMENDMENT, the Left will wipe out the FIRST from NaturalNews on Vimeo.