Decentralization is the answer to censorship and oppression.
Podcast Transcript: “Wow, the censorship purge is on and the future of freedom for our world is decentralization. That is the topic of today’s podcast. Welcome. Mike Adams here, the Health Ranger. I have just been censored by YouTube. The entire channel – including all of my videos about my donkeys, chickens, home gardening, and everything nature, ice crystals and all of these interesting nature videos… Over 1700 videos completely terminated, wiped out by YouTube as part of their censorship purge. Why? Because, of course I questioned the status quo. That’s why I’m being censored. Rest assure, they can censor me, they can censor you, they can censor everyone. The internet has become a police state that is policed by the tech giants. Now, the answer to that is decentralization. So, where to begin. Five years ago, I was hosting the Alex Jones show and in one episode I saw this coming – I don’t remember which day, but it’s in the archives. I said, ‘One day we are going to have to build a peer-to-peer content distribution network in order to out-manuever the censorhip that’s coming. That was five years ago. At the time, peer-to-peer content distribution was very inmature, but today, five years later, it’s very mature…” Listen to the full podcast below:
Read Censorship.news or Freedom.news to stay informed.
The future of FREEDOM is DECENTRALIZATION! from NaturalNews on Vimeo.