Many gun newbies make the mistake of thinking a really small gun will be easy to control, but that’s false.
In this podcast, the Health Ranger explains why LARGE guns are easier to handle than SMALL guns.
Podcast Transcript: “Got a special podcast here for guns.news – which is one of the websites that we publish. This is Mike Adams, the Health Ranger here. I am very proficient in numerous firearms, I’ve gone through many years of training, and there are some things that I’d like to pass on to you here. You can read more at Guns.news as well as Gear.news – which covers survival gear, preparedness gear and other similar things. The main focus here today is… A lot of new people who are just getting into firearms, especially women, they mistakenly think that a small gun is going to be easy to handle – easier than a large gun. I’ve seen this numerous times and I’ve seen… I was actually observing a training of a women today, who was shooting various sizes of pistols that all shoot the 9mm round. She tried a very small gun – which was the glock 43…” Listen to the full podcast below:
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Why LARGE guns are easier to handle than SMALL guns from NaturalNews on Vimeo.