The reason liberals are so infuriated by logic and reason is because they process the world through EMOTIONS. That’s why facts don’t matter to liberals. What matters to them is the emotional properties of the narrative.
Product Transcript: “One of the big reasons why Liberalism is so dangerous for society is because Liberals tend to process information emotionally, while Libertarians or Conservatives tend to process information rationally. You may say, ‘Why is one better than the other?’ Well, the answer should be obvious. Society needs to have a plan, society needs to have a rule of law, society needs to have economic contracts, society needs to have a system based on logic, reason and rationality. But the Left wants to run everything on emotion, which means it doesn’t matter how bad the decisions are as long as they feel good at the moment. That may have a short term, feel good effect, but long term it is disastrous. I think a great example of this is…” Listen to the full podcast below:
Read more at LeftCult.com or LiberalMob.com
Liberals process information EMOTIONALLY, not logically from NaturalNews on Vimeo.
You can also hear this podcast on BITCHUTE.