Natural News founder/editor Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, filled in for Infowars creator and host Alex Jones on Sunday’s broadcast which he called his “most important” message ever: The tsunami of speech authoritarianism that is already sweeping the country as Left-wing social media giants commit “online ethnic cleansing” against conservatives and supporters of President Donald Trump.
Adams led off by noting that Jack Dorsey, the CEO and co-founder of Twitter, endorsed a rambling, lengthy Medium post last week that calls for the political (and physical?) destruction of all conservatives and Republicans using the “California model.”
The piece, titled, “The Great Lesson of California in America’s New Civil War,” not only claims Americans are already engaged in a new ideological conflict (we are), but that there is likely no way the two opposing sides will ever compromise or see eye-to-eye anymore (we won’t).
And while those two observations are, in my view, correct, the overall theme of the piece — that the entire country should follow California’s path and relegate Republicans and conservatives to the ash heap of history — is provocative and dangerous.
And yet, as Adams noted, Dorsey endorsed the piece — in a tweet, of course — as a “great read.”
But then Dorsey’s tweets aren’t getting shadow banned, either, like those of conservatives, Republicans, and vocal Trump supporters, which is more to Adams’ point and the basis of his claim that the Left, and in particular Left-wing tech, is engaging in online ethnic cleansing of competing ideological, cultural, social, and political voices.
Adams, in his broadcast, noted further that Facebook has recently labeled ardent Trump supporters Diamond and Silk as putting out “dangerous content” and that they’re “unsafe to the community.” This pair is funny, talented, and entertaining in their defense and support of the president — they are anything but ‘dangerous,’ unless of course, you’re a Marxist.
“Because if you speak in a way the tech overlords don’t like, all of a sudden you are ‘unsafe,’” Adams said. “This is a very dangerous precedent. They’re censoring Diamond and Silk just like they’re censoring me, just like they’re censoring Infowars at every opportunity.
“The war is on to silence all voices that do not comply with the totalitarian, authoritarian narratives of the Left,” Adams noted further. (Related: California state senator who pushed vaccine mandate now seeks to CRIMINALIZE “fake news” about medicine, politics and government.)
Along these lines, Adams noted as well that The Washington Post at some point over the past two weeks “memory-holed” an Associated Press article noting that one of special counsel Robert Mueller’s witnesses in his never-ending, always expanding probe of all things Team Trump is a convicted pedophile. According to the article, George Nader, a Lebanese-American businessman, was a globe-trotting “fixer” who was convicted 15 years ago in Poland for 10 cases of sexually abusing minors and was given a one-year sentence in May 2003. You can draw your own conclusions as to why the Post would delete a widely syndicated article.
Adams noted that the story that Dorsey praised calls for “Left-wing mob” rule, essentially, and that view “is reflected throughout YouTube, Twitter, Google, and Facebook” — all of which are doing the same thing, which is censorship of conservative and pro-Trump voices.
“They are now running the gamut of just deleting every conservative voice and independent media voice, every independent journalist, every libertarian voice that they don’t like,” said Adams.
The Health Ranger shared his recent personal experience of seeing his channel on YouTube, which featured hundreds of videos, taken down — all because he said that the human species comes in two genders, male and female.
“That upset the LGBTQ community,” said Adams, and YouTube used it as an excuse to ban him.
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J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for NaturalNews.com and NewsTarget.com, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.
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