Current Events
Ammon Bundy, leader of the month-long occupation of a wildlife refuge in Oregon, has called on the remaining militia to stand down after getting arrested with seven others by federal officials. His father Cliven Bundy, however, wants the occupation to continue. RT’s Alexey Yaroshevsky has the details.
How the refugee crisis in Germany is showing the cracks in the European union, and the decline of the West is illuminated with author and political activist Oliver Janich. Are the refugees being organized by government agencies like the CIA?
Towering student loan debts leave many people asking how to tackle the growing crisis. Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura says the answer is getting out of military conflicts and bringing the money back to America. He talks to RT’s Ed Schultz about his plans to fix the problems.
Should college applications be allowed to ask if you’ve ever faced criminal charges, even if you were never convicted? Is this racial discrimination? Find out in this episode of Trifecta.
Renowned retail billionaire Hugo Salinas Price says, “We are now in the contraction phase. When I call a debt on somebody, that party is going to call in the debts to him . . . and there is a cycle going on where everybody is going to try to collect from everybody else. So, it […]
In this episode, James Corbett talks about Zika virus.
Kerry Lutz of joins us today to discuss the war on cash. How long has it being going on? How does it manifest in our daily lives? What will it mean for the future of our NIRP-driven central bank-controlled economic future? And how do we hedge against it?
Ending Syria’s civil war is a daunting endeavor. There are too many parties with conflicting agendas
The talks have started, but where will they go? Ending Syria’s civil war is a daunting endeavor. There are too many parties with conflicting agendas. Outside powers have been fueling this war for years, can the same powers end it? -
Kenneth Webb presents a ChangeDachannel Production: “The Followers.” Throughout history, the followers have done the evil deeds of their masters without question. This has been accomplished through manipulation. This documentary breaks down how deep their programming has progressed using the Republican/Democrat parties as a guide line. Going through a brief history then moving on through […]
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