Inexplicably Repeats Scripted Line Word for Word
Think Bernie Sanders is a harmless old man? Think again! His politics are aligned with the greatest crimes ever carried out against humanity by socialist and communist regimes. When power is centralized into the hands of the bureaucrats (socialism) and both businesses and governments seek to centrally control the economy (communism), it always ends in […]
Despite what some ignorant supporters have been led to believe, Bernie Sanders will NOT be the democratic nominee for President. The entire system is rigged for Hillary Clinton, the most corrupt, criminal operative America’s putrid political system has ever produced. Sanders is only being “allowed” to operate for a while to create the false impression […]
Hosted by STANLEY LEVY THIS WEEK’S TOPICS: 1. Of Super Bowls and Manhood 2. So now Nike is killin’ black folks? 3. Whose Land, Again? 4. Obama puts his Islam on Front Street 5. Justice for Flint, MI? Is Obama ponyin’ up? 6. Solidifying the underclass? Voter Suppression History
Yes, President Obama is deliberately trying to get Donald Trump elected president. WHY? For three key reasons: 1) He wants Republicans to take the full blame for the global market collapse that Obama hopes he can delay until Trump takes office. 2) He hates Hillary Clinton and knows that Trump will push for a criminal […]
Tattoo artist Bob Holmes announced that he will give free Donald Trump tattoos to anyone who wants to support the Republican presidential hopeful at Clay Dragon Tattoo studio in Seabrook, New Hampshire, Wednesday. To read more about Donald Trump News, please go to Trump.news for all the latest updates
Fallout tonight after the Ted Cruz campaign wins Iowa. The accusations are over HOW they won. Did the Cruz campaign use dirty tricks on Ben Carson?
New laws across nearly 20 states might make voting for many more difficult. They include a number of voter ID laws in North Carolina that critics say are specifically used to target black and Latino voters. RT’s Simone Del Rosario reports on the controversy.
What’s wrong with the GOP? My guest and I agree there’s a lot wrong, but we’re not always agreed as to what that is. We have a freewheeling discussion of populism, noninterventionism, localism, Trump, Cruz, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, and more. Enjoy!
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