Public health physician warns of smart meter dangers:
Find out how the government is nothing but a PARASITE on society that creates problems so it can pretend to solve them.
Chuck Norris talks about chemtrails:
Fluoride is added to our water to prevent tooth decay, but according to an extensive study by the Cochrane collaboration, fluoride does not prevent cavities at all. In fact fluoridated water can result in dangerous side effects:
NASA admits to spraying americans with poisonous chemtrails…
The terrifying truth about the future of bananas…
This is the latest Anonymous message to the global public…
Chemtrails — maybe your friends and family don’t believe in them yet — but they are very real. The nefarious activity of military and commercial jets purposely spewing forth elements like aluminum, barium, fuel additive polymers, nickel, cadmium, mold, fungi, desiccated blood, mycotoxins, et.al., according to Global Research, doesn’t make much sense to logical, caring, trusting people. Or folks who never look up. What […]
Here is your 100% proof that Chemtrails really exist. Rosalind Peterson confirms Chemtrails/Geoengineering/SRM are very real… Make sure you clean the air in your home with an air purification system.
Check out some of the most radioactive places on Earth: Find out more radioactive news at www.Fukushimawatch.com
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