Watch out: It’s “false flag” season in America, and the BIG ONE may be right around the corner…
Podcast Transcript: “So what season is it in America today? You might think it’s fall, but it’s actually ‘False Flag Season.’ Yes indeed it is false flag season. Thank you for joining me on this podcast. I am also the publisher of FalseFlag.news. So, what is a false flag? Well, hopefully you know what a false flag is, but for those who don’t a false flag is usually is an act of terrorism or sabotage carried out in order to push a specific political narrative and to achieve a reaction from the public that accomplishes those political goals of the people carrying out the act. False flags have happened many, many, many times throughout history. They happen all the time. Charlottesville for example. There were people marching around with Nazi Flags who were Anitfa left-wing members. So, why would they march around with Nazi flags? It’s a false flag. They are trying to create the impression that there are Nazi’s hiding under every bed and around every corner all across America…” Listen to the full podcast below:
Stay informed at FalseFlag.news and Tyranny.news
It’s FALSE FLAG season in America from NaturalNews on Vimeo.