The FISA memo release describes a shocking series of criminal abuses of power at the highest levels of the FBI and DOJ — all under Obama.
As the memo reveals, not only did top FBI and DOJ officials conspire to defraud the FISA court in order to illegally spy on American citizens, the key operatives in this process were fully aware they were committing law enforcement fraud during the entire process.
The abuse of power now evident at the highest levels of the Obama regime — which weaponized the government to target and destroy political enemies — is the most egregious political scandal in the history of this nation, easily dwarfing the relatively minor events surrounding Watergate.
Podcast Transcript: “Wow, the fake news media just doesn’t know when to quit. They’ve been caught red-handed now colluding with the Clinton team and deep state operatives inside the FBI and the DOJ to frame Trump team members with illegal spying through a fraudulent FISA warrant application. They’ve been caught red-handed. This is all going public now and they still don’t know when to quit. CNN is now pushing this insane narrative that ‘Oh, Putin wins. Russia wins.’ How does Russia win by the American people exposing fraud and treason inside the ranks of the FBI and the DOJ? Seems to me that the American people win. Seems to me that the Republic wins. It seems to me that democracy wins when you expose efforts by criminal, deep state, swamp creatures to overthrow a democratic election and install their own totalitarian mafia boss, racketeering president known as Hillary Clinton – which thank God was not elected. It’s unreal. So, they say ‘Oh, Putin wins. Russia wins.’ You notice that every person who now defends America is called a Russian agent by CNN, the New York Times, the Washington Post and all the other fake news rags that are now exposed…” Listen to the full podcast below:
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FAKE NEWS media trying to cover up the COVER UP from NaturalNews on Vimeo.