U.S. soldiers and contractors accidentally revealed the location of secret U.S. military bases by running around with exercise trackers turned on.
Podcast Transcript: “Well, I don’t know if you saw this report, but soldiers, US soldiers, wearing Fitbit devices have accidentally revealed their location at secret bases all across the world. Yes, indeed. I think it’s the Fitbit company. I’ll just use a generic term like a generic exercise tracking company. Okay, how about that. I think it’s Fitbit though. What they did is they took all the GPS locations of all the users that they have and they aggregated it into a light map and they posted that online. It turns out then that these Fitness tracking device users, who were US soldiers and contractors working at covert bases in the Middle East, accidentally left their devices on – which means it tracked all their jogging locations. These jogging locations, when you layer them on top of each other in the aggregate, they create, it lights up on the map where all the secret bases are across the Middle East. So, this has gone public now. There was a guy who’s a security researcher – I don’t know his name but I think he, I don’t even know if he works for the US… but he noticed this and he started posting the maps. And sure enough, it’s all these secret covert bases and NSA bases. Yeah it’s like NSA bases as well. So, there you go. If you’re a secret covert agent and you’re jogging around your a secret covert base and you have your Fitbit tracking device on, guess what… The whole world knows where you are now…” Listen to the full podcast below:
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FitBit exercise tracker reveals SECRET military bases around the world from NaturalNews on Vimeo.