The FISA memo release describes a shocking series of criminal abuses of power at the highest levels of the FBI and DOJ — all under Obama.
As the memo reveals, not only did top FBI and DOJ officials conspire to defraud the FISA court in order to illegally spy on American citizens, the key operatives in this process were fully aware they were committing law enforcement fraud during the entire process.
The abuse of power now evident at the highest levels of the Obama regime — which weaponized the government to target and destroy political enemies — is the most egregious political scandal in the history of this nation, easily dwarfing the relatively minor events surrounding Watergate.
Podcast Transcript: “The most outrageous political scandal in the history of our nation is now unfolding. Thank you for joining me. This is HealthRangerReport.com. Mike Adams here – the editor of Natural News. In this podcast, I’m going to explain how the mainstream media was exploited by the deep state to plant fake news that was then used to support the FISA warrant application fraudulently by deep state operatives inside the FBI and the DOJ, in order to get the court to approve illegal spying on American citizens related to the Trump campaign. So, here’s how the whole scam works, and this is why the fake news media is a clear and present danger to America. This is why the media is the enemy of America and the enemy of the people. This is what I’ve called them for over a year now ‘Journo-terrorists.’ You will understand why as you hear this. Now, the FISA memo has been released, as you know, we’re covering it at NaturalNews.com. Check it out there. There are lots of details. One of the most stunning truths that it helps reveal is… and this is going to come out in additional documents by the way. This isn’t all contained in the first FISA memo. Other documents are going to show that fusion gps – which is the organization that essentially paid for and produced the Trump dossier. They were hired by the Clinton campaign in order to do this. That fusion GPS not only leaked fake information, fake news to the press in order to plant false stories that targeted the Trump administration and the Trump campaign. They also paid journalists to plant fake information across the media in organizations like…” Listen to the full podcast below:
Learn more at NaturalNews.com or Trump.news
Mainstream media CONSPIRED with the deep state to plant FAKE NEWS for FISA warrants from NaturalNews on Vimeo.