The Bitcoin bubble is already starting to unravel, and it could ultimately lose up to 90% of its peak value.
Podcast Transcript: “As you are no doubt well aware by now, Bitcoin has cratered about 50 percent since its high. I mean roughly, it was at twenty thousand. Now, it’s roughly at ten thousand. As one of the people who has been very outspoken about the risks and dangers of Bitcoin, I thought I would bring you this update to tell you that you know the crash of Bitcoin was inevitable, but you get bashed when you’re someone who’s ahead of the curve. When there is a bubble and people are excited about the bubble, whether its tulip bulbs, dot-com stocks or Bitcoin, you know people don’t want you to crush their dreams, because they’re living on hope and faith – living on a fairy tale. Especially when this fairy tale happens to be a child of the Liberty movement, which I’m part of. You know I’m Pro Liberty. I’m Pro decentralization. I’m fully aware of the monopoly of the Federal Reserve and the need for something other than the dollar. You know I’m no fan of the central banks. I’ve even said secretly I hope Bitcoin succeeds. I’ve also said I hope, well I believe, that cryptocurrencies will succeed in the long term, but that bitcoin is not the answer…” Listen to the full podcast below:
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People SELLING Bitcoin and BUYING GOLD from NaturalNews on Vimeo.