It’s fairly obvious to most intelligent people that modern society is going insane. It’s especially true among today’s hyper-connected youth who seem to be truly deranged and mentally ill, hyperventilating over every issue imaginable such as “net neutrality” or the election of Donald Trump. The lunacy of modern society has never been more extreme, and many of us who observe all this are wondering is there a common cause behind the insanity?
Podcast Transcript: “The state of California has now warned people about the dangers of cell phone radiation – especially young people. They told them don’t hold it up to your ear, have it at least arms length away from you at all times and they’ve warned that cellphone radiation can cause brain damage. They said it can cause lack of sleep, loss of memory – which also of course leads to extra neurological distress like mood disorders, inability to think correctly, bad logic, bad reasoning… All of these things that we are seeing out of today’s youth. So I am going to connect the dots on this today. Thank you for joining me. This is Mike Adams, the Health Ranger – editor of NaturalNews.com. I’ve been warning about EMF radiation for many years. I’ve warned about smart meters. I’ve warned about cell phone radiation…” Listen to the full podcast below:
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CELL PHONE RADIATION causes bran damage, warns California from NaturalNews on Vimeo.