The Health Ranger explains why it’s such amazing good news that you have the opportunity RIGHT NOW to get prepared and the chaos that’s coming.
Yet most people sit on their butts and refuse to do anything that might prepare them for hard times.
Podcast Transcript: “I’d much rather bring you good news than bad news in these podcasts. So, today I’m gonna take some time out from the usual criticism that I offer these podcasts, of things that are going wrong to say, ‘Hey, guess what. You’ve got something going so right in your life, and in my life that it’s worth noticing and taking advantage of, and that is that right now we have a window of opportunity to do the right thing to protect ourselves, and our loved ones from what’s coming.’ In other words, you know we talk a lot about things that might happen. That society is unsustainable, things are on the precipice, a lot of discontent in society, possible civil war, social chaos or North Korea, solar flare… We talked about lots of potential threats, even the market crash – the crashing stock market and so on. But the good news is that right now today, you have the freedom, and the opportunity, to do something about it, in order to help yourself make it through whatever happens. It’s really a gift and it’s worth showing some gratitude for if you ask me, because we live in a free enough country, and an abundant enough society, that we have options right now. But it requires that you exercise those options in advance of the thing that’s coming – whatever that happens to be. Let me give it a good example…” Listen to the full podcast below:
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GOOD NEWS: You have an opportunity to get prepared for SURVIVAL! from NaturalNews on Vimeo.