Is Bitcoin a creation of the CIA / NSA? This podcast explores the possibility.
Podcast Transcript: “If you bought Bitcoin you may have accidentally funneled money to the CIA. This is the upshot of a revelation by Kaspersky, the software security company – it does anti-virus software and other types of software. They came out, well the co-founder came out, and said that they believe that Bitcoin was created by the US intelligence community, the CIA and NSA basically, in order to be able to funnel money with near anonymity from place to place and raise money for their illegal covert, black box, off-the-books operations. Now, this isn’t the first time we’ve heard this. Many other people have expressed concern about this point including myself, but now we have Kaspersky chiming in and saying ‘yeah’ that’s what that’s what they believe is happening as well. It kind of adds up, but it’s not proven yet. However, it is kind of a horrifying thought, because most people who love the idea of cryptocurrency – and I’m one of them. I love cryptocurrency. I love the idea of decentralization of the money supply. We don’t like big powerful, ominous centralization of secret totalitarian power. None of us like that. The idea that you might be funneling money into the CIA or the NSA by participating in Bitcoin is quite horrifying. It’s one more reason to really be careful what you’re doing and understand why…” Listen to the full podcast below:
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If you bought BITCOIN, you may have funded CIA dark ops from NaturalNews on Vimeo.