Massive online theft of Bitcoin wallets proves Bitcoin is LESS secure than conventional money.
Podcast Transcript: “By now you, may have heard 500 million dollars worth of Bitcoin was stolen, hacked from a Japanese online wallet used by a lot of Japanese citizens. So, it’s gone. Half a billion dollars stolen and gone forever – there’s no getting it back. There’s no FDIC insurance – it’s not government backed. That’s the whole point of Bitcoin is that it’s not run by a government. So, all that Bitcoin disappeared and all those Japanese citizens who had invested in Bitcoin lost their money. It’s a hard lesson and it’s a lesson that’s coming soon to everybody else – Americans, Canadians, Australians and European people all over the world who have put their money in Bitcoin. They think it’s an investment, because that’s what they were told. “It’s an investment as if you’re buying shares of a corporation or something, as if you’re gonna get dividends or something, it’s an investment.” No, it’s not. It’s a tulip bubble speculation, Ponzi scheme and that’s what you bought into. People can steal that. Anytime you have an online wallet, it can be stolen…” Listen to the full podcast below:
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Bitcoin is LESS secure than conventional MONEY from NaturalNews on Vimeo.