You are living in a real-life “Truman Show.” Your entire reality is pure fiction. Ready to wake up yet?
Podcast Transcript: “You are living in a real live Truman Show. It’s a great movie. To review right now go back and watch it. It’s called The Truman Show – starring Jim Carrey and Ed Harris. A great movie about the nature of reality. In that movie, the character, played by Jim Carrey, grew up when he was born and raised inside a reality TV program set, a giant dome – it was literally a giant dome with its own ocean and island and everything – a very large set. Then the whole world got to watch this person, and basically spy on this person, as they grew up. They went through their life and everything around them was an act, everything was theater. The businesses were fake. When you walk down the street and walk into the bank, it was a set, but he didn’t know it. It looked real to him. All the other people in the Truman Show dome were all actors, none of them were real. They were all actors, every one of them. Plot narratives were created in order to create drama for this character that was being viewed by everybody else in the world without his knowledge. What does this have to do with the real world? Well, living in the real world, you live in a kind of Truman Show, except the prison is not physical – it’s not a giant dome over your head. The prison is mental. It’s a prison for your mind and you’re living in it…” Listen to the full podcast below:
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YOU are living in a real live TRUMAN SHOW from NaturalNews on Vimeo.