According to Milo Yiannopoulos, the Left has alread started a “civil war” in America. Here’s how it might play out…
Podcast Transcript: “According to Milo Yiannopoulos in an interview with Alex Jones, the Left has already started the civil war in America. That civil war will see “Facebook firebombed, and other offices of tech giants raided.” That’s a direct quote from Milo, that Facebook will be firebombed, but just to be clear he’s not advocating it. He’s predicting it. He is correct in saying that the Left has already started the civil war. In fact, they’ve targeted Milo Yiannopoulos as one of the people that they want to kill. They openly call for him to be killed. They practically kidnapped him, or maybe they would have killed him if they could have at UC Berkeley. He’s one of the conservative speakers that was targeted with the violence and the hate campaigns of the Left – which has become completely unhinged and totally deranged. In any case, Milo was recently in Austin Texas and sat down with Alex Jones. I’m sorry I missed interviewing him. I would have loved to have Milo for an in-studio interview also. Maybe we’ll do that in the future. We’ll reach out to him. But the thing is he’s right about the Left having already started a civil war. It’s a big deal. This is something that you need to understand. The gears have already been set into motion for civil war by the Left…” Listen to the full podcast below:
Read more at CivilWar.news or LeftCult.com
The LEFT has already started the CIVIL WAR from NaturalNews on Vimeo.