Counterthink.com is relaunched to host hilarious, satirical animations!
Podcast Transcript: “We’ve just re-launched CounterThink.com which is a comedy satire website. We just put a new animation on there that you’re gonna love. A little profanity warning here in advance that the animation is called ‘Shitcoin and Buttcoin.’ It features two young cryptocurrency cultists who delude themselves into thinking that they’re getting incredibly wealthy by buying and selling Bitcoin, or I’m sorry Shitcoins and Buttcoins that they made up themselves – buying and selling those to each other. Through the video you’ll see how they think that they’re worth a billion dollars each when in fact they’re just sitting in their parents basement doing nothing that matters. So, that video is posted now at CounterThink.com. Again, it’s called ‘Shitcoin and Buttcoin.’ I think you’ll find it very funny. It’s just one video of many that are coming soon. Cryptocurrency is not the focus of all the rest of the videos, that just happens to be the first counter think video. There are more coming that are on many other topics. The next one is about CNN in fact. I think you’ll find that to be very funny as well. So, the website is CounterThink.com. It brings up the discussion of why satire? Why these videos? The answer is because sometimes we live in a society where people don’t want to listen to facts that they don’t already agree with, and humor and satire is a different way to reach people with a message…” Listen to the full podcast below:
See Counterthink.com
Counterthink.com hosts INSANELY hilarious ANIMATIONS from NaturalNews on Vimeo.